During the time I have been working on my Future Fellowship I don't think that any day has been exactly the same as any other. A research fellowship is not all about sitting at a computer and typing (as this blog demonstrates). Yesterday I didn't leave my office, but had multiple teleconferences and Skype calls. Here is how yesterday looked:
8:00am - check emails that have arrived overnight from all around the world
9:30am - listen to my PhD student's research presentation in Wagga Wagga (4 hours away)
11:00am - attend a meeting regarding the Collaborative Research Network in Wagga Wagga
12:30pm - discuss a book proposal with a colleague in Albury (6 hours away)
2:00pm - write a section of a book chapter and check the statistical analysis for a journal article
4:30pm - discuss student projects with 2 groups of students in Viet Nam
6:00pm - discuss reviewers' comments about a journal article with my masters' student who graduated last year in Sydney (3 hours away)
9:00pm - discuss the final tweaks of a journal article with colleagues in the USA and Sydney