May 21, 2024

Docfest 2024: Kate and Sarah's presentations

Docfest 2024 is Charles Sturt University's Graduate Research Online Conference 

Congratulations to my PhD students:

Kate Margetson competed in the Charles Sturt University Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). Her presentation was compelling - and she was announced as a finalist. She will now travel to Port Macquarie for the CSU finals.


Tomorrow, Sarah Bartlett is presenting the following paper: 

Online focus groups for understanding caregivers’ experiences following intervention to support their children’s speech and language 

Background: Understanding caregivers’ experiences can assist professionals to promote caregivers’ active engagement to positively impact child outcomes. 

Aim: To explore caregivers’ experiences and engagement of intervention to support their children’s speech and language. 

Method: Caregivers (n=5) who had recently completed the 16-week Target Word™ intervention attended online focus groups to share their perspectives. Qualitative Interpretative Description (ID) methodology was used to understand their experiences. Transcripts of these focus groups were analysed using Reflexive Thematic Analysis. 

Results: Two themes were identified: (1) caregiver engagement over time and (2) caregiver engagement in learning is individual to each caregiver.

Conclusion: Caregivers experienced unique engagement journeys over the course of the program. Professionals can explicitly facilitate participation at each phase of Target Word™ to promote active engagement for learning and caregiver empowerment to support their children’s language growth.