May 28, 2024

PPI = CCI Consumer and commuity involvment

Recently I wrote about PPI in the UK (

Today, at the Speech Pathology Australia Conference, I had a conversation with Prof Deborah Hersh from Edith Cowan University who wrote this paper (among others): 

Hersh, D., Israel, M., & Shiggins, C. (2021, in press). The ethics of patient and public involvement across the research process: towards partnership with people with aphasia. Aphasiology.

She informed me that PPI in the UK = CCI in Australia

In 2016, the NHMRC published the "Statement on consumer and community involvement in health and medical research" and define the elements of CCI as:

"Community – a group of people sharing a common interest (e.g. cultural, social, political, health, economic interests) but not necessarily a particular geographic association. Different types of communities are likely to have different perspectives and approaches to their involvement in research." (p. 6)

"Consumer – patients and potential patients, carers, and people who use health care services." (p. 6)

Collectively, ‘consumers’ and ‘community members’ may be referred to as ‘the public’." (p. 6)

"Stakeholder - An individual or group from within or outside research organisations with a key interest in research. This might include members of consumer organisations, professional bodies, government agencies, non-government organisations, industry, or research funders as well as consumers and community members. Stakeholders can provide support or expertise and may influence decisions about the research and its findings." (p.7)

NHMRC are currently undertaking a review of this document.