A call has been extended throughout the world for expressions of interest for papers to be considered for a special issue of the International Jounal of Speech-Language Pathology (IJSLP) focussing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Special issue title: Communication, Swallowing, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Journal: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/iasl20/current)
Guest Editors: Professor Sharynne McLeod, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Professor Julie Marshall, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Expressions of interest due Monday 13 December, 2021 to Sharynne McLeod (smcleod@csu.edu.au)
The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals) “provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future… In order to make the 2030 Agenda a reality, broad ownership of the SDGs must translate into a strong commitment by all stakeholders to implement the global goals.” (UN, 2015).
Each of the 17 SDGs impacts the world’s citizens, including people with speech, language and communication needs, people with dysphagia, and those who work with them (e.g., speech-language pathologists, audiologists, psychologists, teachers, doctors, lawyers). The International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology will join the world to work with the United Nations to implement the SDGs by publishing this special issue, acknowledging that communication and swallowing are important for “peace and prosperity for people and the planet (UN, 2015)”
This special issue of the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology will include 2,500-3,000 word commentary articles/ essays that address at least one SDG and its relationship to people who experience communication and swallowing disability. Commentaries must be supported by (a) new evidence and/or (b) evidence-based literature and will be peer-reviewed. Commentaries can be broad ranging, describing the relevance of the SDG to this field, or provide an overview of work with a specific intervention, country or population.
Expressions of interest are sought from authors across the world in a variety of disciplines. Commentaries are encouraged from people who live and work in Majority World countries (including low and middle-income countries and small island states) and people who have lived experience of communication and / or swallowing disability. The aim is to cover EVERY SDG – so be creative.

Expressions of interest are due Monday 13 December 2021 and should include:
- Proposed title (the title should include the acronym “SDG”)
- The SDG number(s) that will be the focus of the commentary (e.g., SDG8) (https://sdgs.un.org/goals). You may also like to include the relevant SDG target and indicator, but this is not essential (an example is provided below).
- Contact author’s name, institution, country, email address
- Additional author(s) names, institutions, countries, email addresses (if appropriate)
- Proposed type of manuscript: commentary containing (a) new evidence and/or (b) evidence-based literature (2,500-3,000 words)
- Proposed abstract. The abstract should be approximately 200 words.
State the primary objective of your commentary; your focus (broad ranging, or an overview of work with a specific intervention, country or population), your main outcomes and results; and conclusions that might be drawn, including their implications for further research or application/practice.
- A statement to indicate that you will be able to submit the manuscript by April 30, 2022 and revisions to the manuscript (after peer review) by June 2022.
People who submit an expression of interest will hear the outcome by the end of January 2022.
If accepted to write a full paper, the requirements are:
1. Commentary papers should be 2,500-3,000 words. Word lengths include the title, abstract, references, tables, figures, appendices and references.
2. The manuscript should use IJSLP formatting and American Psychological Association referencing (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/healthcare/iasl.pdf)
3. The manuscript should be submitted to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tasl