This afternoon was the last official meeting of the ECIR Children Draw Talking team before we submit our manuscript at the ECIR Research Retreat on 9th October.
This research was undertaken by members of the Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Research Group funded by the Charles Sturt University Sturt Scheme. The following people contributed to the research and analysed the data: Jessamy Davies, Lysa Dealtry, Laura Delli-Pizzi, Belinda Downey, Sheena Elwick, Julian Grant, Carolyn Gregoric, Suzanne C. Hopf, Nicola Ivory, Holly McAlister, Sharynne McLeod, Elizabeth Murray, Azizur Rahman, Shukla Sikder, Van H. Tran, and Cherie Zischke. The Children Draw Talking Around the World Global Online Gallery was profiled at the Early Childhood Voices Conference 2022 (ECV2022)
Carolyn Gregoric, Sharynne McLeod, Cherie Zischke, Suzanne Hopf, Nicola Ivory, Jessamy Davis, Libbey Murray, Belinda Downey, and Van Tran |
Here is how we will reference our journal article once we submnit it: McLeod, S., Gregoric, C., Davies, J., Dealtry, L., Delli-Pizzi, L., Downey, B., Elwick, S., Hopf, S. C., Ivory, N., McAlister, H., Murray, E., Rahman, A., Sikder, S., Tran, V. H., Zischke, C., & Grant, J. (2023). Children draw talking around the world [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Research Group, Charles Sturt University.