April 29, 2011

The research student journey

I have been at the Albury campus of Charles Sturt University (CSU) over the past few days.

One reason for my visit was to celebrate with Dr Jane McCormack at her PhD graduation ceremony (see previous post). Jane has been awarded the most outstanding PhD thesis in the Faculty of Education for 2010. This is an amazing achievement. She is now a lecturer in speech pathology at CSU.
ABC Radio recorded an interview on the day of her graduation about her research here:

Dr Jane McCormack, Vice Chancellor Ian Goulter,
A/Prof Linda Harrison, Prof Sharynne McLeod
  While in Albury, Jane and I have also spent time with Nicole Limbrick, our new honours student. Nicole is examining speech pathologists' protocols and decision making during assessment of children with speech sound disorder (speech impairment). She is at the exciting stage of finalizing her question and designing the research methodology.

Jane McCormack, Nicole Limbrick, and Sharynne McLeod
It is always a pleasure to walk alongside students as they read, plan, implement, and write up their research -- and are rewarded for their efforts at graduation.