June 28, 2012

International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference

This week is the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference held at University College Cork, in Ireland. I always enjoy ICPLA conferences, because they are times to meet with old friends and make many new ones. I always learn so many new things and come away brimming with new ideas for research and collaborations.

This year there are 250 delegates from 33 different countries. There will be 4 keynotes, 9 thematic panels, 60 oral presentations, and 160 posters. Professor David Crystal will receive honours of the association, the first award to ever be made by the association. 

During the conference I am co-presenting 3 papers and 2 posters with my colleagues and students:
  • Lockart, R. & McLeod, S. (2012, June). Accuracy of identification and transcription of speech sound errors in a non-native language. (paper)
  • Wren, Y., McLeod, S., White, P., Miller, L., & Roulstone, S. (2012, June). Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children with speech difficulties: Findings from a prospective population study. (paper)
  • Crowe, K. & McLeod, S. (2012, June). Case studies of the use of extIPA transcription. (invited paper)
  • Crowe, K., McLeod, S., Ching, T. (2012, June). Multilingualism and multi-modalism in children with hearing loss and their families. (poster)
  • Washington, K. N. & McLeod, S. (2012, June). Bi-dilectal considerations for Jamaican Creole: A focus on phonology (poster)

Fiona Gibbon (conference co-chair) and Sara Howard (ICPLA president)

Margaret Kehoe (Switzerland), Sharynne, Jan van Doorn (Sweden), David Snow (USA)