November 27, 2012
Excellence in Research in Early Years Education
Over the past 2 days I have been in Sydney for a meeting of the Excellence in
Research in Early Years Education (EREYE) Collaborative Research Network (CRN). This group of Australian researchers have an impressive breadth and depth of expertise. Combined we were successful recipients of almost half of the last round of Australian Research Council Discovery Grants awarded to education researchers across the country. We have been discussing a large-scale collaboration that could have a major impact on Australian early childhood education.
November 22, 2012
Disseminating research: Reading, writing, and publishing
The following
book chapter has been published:
previous chapters have provided guidelines for undertaking research in the
field of clinical linguistics and phonetics. Once new knowledge has been
generated through research it is important to disseminate findings with others
to change understanding and practice. Dissemination of findings can occur
within public, professional and academic contexts via the internet,
presentations and publications. Ultimately, publishing research in journal articles
and books enables the creation of a permanent and accessible record. Longevity
of research is typically achieved through such avenues and once work is published, people from across the
globe can draw on these findings to create new ideas, understandings and
directions. Therefore, researchers
should think about the message they wish to convey through their research: “What is your dialogue with the future?” This chapter outlines how to read and critique
research, then how to write for publication in order to disseminate research
McLeod, S.
(2013). Disseminating research: Reading, writing, and publishing. In N. Müller & M. J. Ball (Eds). Research
methods in clinical linguistics and phonetics: A practical guide (pp.
288-309). Chichester:
The opening
paragraphs read:
of the tables within the chapter lists English-language journals that publish papers in the field of clinical
linguistics and phonetics as well as details about these journals. Here is the
1. American Journal of
Speech-Language Pathology
2. Aphasiology
3. Applied
4. The ASHA Leader
5. Asia Pacific Journal of
Speech, Language and Hearing
6. Augmentative and
Alternative Communication
7. Child Language Teaching
and Therapy
8. Clinical Linguistics and
9. Communication Disorders
10. Communication Disorders
11. Contemporary
Issues in Communication Science and Disorders
12. Evidence-Based
Communication Assessment and Intervention
13. Folia Phoniatrica et
14. International Journal of
Language and Communication Disorders
15. International Journal of
Speech-Language Pathology
16. Journal of Child
17. Journal of Clinical
Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
18. Journal of Communication
19. Journal
of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders
20. Journal of the
International Phonetic Association
21. Journal of Linguistics
22. Journal of Medical
Speech-Language Pathology
23. Journal of Speech,
Language, and Hearing Research
24. Language, Speech, and
Hearing Services in Schools
25. Logopedics Phoniatrics
26. New Zealand Journal of
Speech-Language Therapy
27. Seminars in Speech and
28. South African Journal of
Communication Disorders, Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir
29. Topics in Language
30. Topics in Stroke
November 20, 2012
Media attention about multilingual website
CSU released a media statement about the launch of the multilingual speech website and position paper. As a result, Sarah Verdon and I have been interviewed on the radio. This afternoon we were interviewed by National Radio News and the interview has gone to 100 community radio stations around Australia with an audience of about 1.3 million listeners. Then we were interviewed by Janeen Hosemans at local radio station 2BS. The interviewers were interested in the world wide relevance of the information on the website, and the international collaboration that went into creating the information on the website.
Sarah Verdon at 2BS radio station |
November 14, 2012
Launch of the Multilingual Children's Speech website
Today the Multilingual Children's Speech website has been launched:
The purpose of this website is to present a compilation of resources for SLPs who are working with multilingual children with speech sound disorders and to partially address the following question:
Funding for this website has been made available from the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT0990588) and I appreciate the support from colleagues from Charles Sturt University, as well as speech-language pathologists, phoneticians, linguists and others around the world have contributed to the development of this website. Specific contributions are acknowledged throughout the website; however, the generosity of others within the wider international community is acknowledged.
The purpose of this website is to present a compilation of resources for SLPs who are working with multilingual children with speech sound disorders and to partially address the following question:
How do we “close the gap between the linguistic homogeneity of the profession and the linguistic diversity of its clientele”? (Caesar & Kohler, 2007, p. 198)The website contains the following information:
- Overview: an overview about the site
- Position paper: description of the Multilingual Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Position Paper
- Languages: comparative information about 25 languages
- Speech acquisition: a summary of speech acquisition for English + a compilation of information from 250 studies of monolingual speech acquisition around the world
- Speech assessments: a list of speech assessments (articulation and phonology) in languages other than English (including purchasing information where available)
- Intelligibility in Context Scale: translated into 29 languages
- Information about publications and the research team
Funding for this website has been made available from the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT0990588) and I appreciate the support from colleagues from Charles Sturt University, as well as speech-language pathologists, phoneticians, linguists and others around the world have contributed to the development of this website. Specific contributions are acknowledged throughout the website; however, the generosity of others within the wider international community is acknowledged.
November 13, 2012
Launch of the Position Paper on Multilingual Children with Speech Sound Disorders
Today is the launch of the
Multilingual Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Position Paper that was created by the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children's Speech. Here is the reference:
International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech (2012). Multilingual children with speech sound disorders: Position paper. Bathurst, NSW, Australia: Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education (RIPPLE), Charles Sturt University. Retrieved from
An international expert panel was assembled comprising 57 researchers (SLPs, linguists, phoneticians) with specialist knowledge in multilingual children’s speech, or children with speech sound disorders. Combined, they had worked in 33 countries and used 26 languages in their professional practice. Fourteen panel members met for a one-day workshop to discuss the challenges of working with multilingual children, and to develop guidelines and key points for inclusion in the first draft of the position paper. Subsequently, 42 panel members joined the group and participated online to make further contributions and comment on drafts of the position paper. Finally, a moderator with international expertise in children with speech sound disorders facilitated the incorporation of the panel’s recommendations. The resulting position paper provides guidelines for the provision of culturally competent services to multilingual children with speech sound disorders. It is structured using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth Version (WHO, 2007) incorporates recommendations for (i) children and families, (ii) SLPs’ assessment and intervention, (iii) SLPs’ professional practice, and (iv) SLPs’ collaboration with other professionals.
Purpose of the position paper
“The position paper is an aspirational document for individuals who strive for the development of policies and best practices for multilingual and/or multicultural children with speech sound disorders. It is based on international understandings of professional practice. It suggests a foundation for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) working in health/medical, education, and community sectors, as well as professional associations, governments, and universities that prepare SLPs to promote speech and language competence for all children in the languages of their communities. It is also relevant for everyone involved with enhancing the communicative competence of multilingual children, including interpreters, educators, and other professionals, families and communities.” (International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech, 2012, p.1)
“Within the position paper the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech:
“The International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech recommends that:
International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech (2012). Multilingual children with speech sound disorders: Position paper. Bathurst, NSW, Australia: Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education (RIPPLE), Charles Sturt University. Retrieved from
An international expert panel was assembled comprising 57 researchers (SLPs, linguists, phoneticians) with specialist knowledge in multilingual children’s speech, or children with speech sound disorders. Combined, they had worked in 33 countries and used 26 languages in their professional practice. Fourteen panel members met for a one-day workshop to discuss the challenges of working with multilingual children, and to develop guidelines and key points for inclusion in the first draft of the position paper. Subsequently, 42 panel members joined the group and participated online to make further contributions and comment on drafts of the position paper. Finally, a moderator with international expertise in children with speech sound disorders facilitated the incorporation of the panel’s recommendations. The resulting position paper provides guidelines for the provision of culturally competent services to multilingual children with speech sound disorders. It is structured using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth Version (WHO, 2007) incorporates recommendations for (i) children and families, (ii) SLPs’ assessment and intervention, (iii) SLPs’ professional practice, and (iv) SLPs’ collaboration with other professionals.
Purpose of the position paper
“The position paper is an aspirational document for individuals who strive for the development of policies and best practices for multilingual and/or multicultural children with speech sound disorders. It is based on international understandings of professional practice. It suggests a foundation for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) working in health/medical, education, and community sectors, as well as professional associations, governments, and universities that prepare SLPs to promote speech and language competence for all children in the languages of their communities. It is also relevant for everyone involved with enhancing the communicative competence of multilingual children, including interpreters, educators, and other professionals, families and communities.” (International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech, 2012, p.1)
“Within the position paper the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech:
- Acknowledges that children are competent, capable, and creative and have individual characteristics, interests, and circumstances.
- Recognizes, values, and promotes genuine, reciprocal and respectful partnerships between children, families, communities, SLPs, interpreters, educators, and all who support the acquisition of communicative competence.
- Acknowledges that recent technological advances have increased access to and availability of information about languages (including real-time international audiovisual linkages) that enable re-envisioning of best practice.
- Encourages critical reflection on established policies and practices and their underlying assumptions.” (International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech, 2012, p.1)
“The International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech recommends that:
- Children are supported to communicate effectively and intelligibly in the languages spoken within their families and communities, in the context of developing their cultural identities.
- Children are entitled to professional speech and language assessment and intervention services that acknowledge and respect their existing competencies, cultural heritage, and histories. Such assessment and intervention should be based on the best available evidence.
- SLPs aspire to be culturally competent and to work in culturally safe ways.
- SLPs aspire to develop partnerships with families, communities, interpreters, and other health and education professionals to promote strong and supportive communicative environments.
- SLPs generate and share knowledge, resources, and evidence nationally and internationally to facilitate the understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity that will support multilingual children’s speech acquisition and communicative competency.
- Governments, policy makers, and employers acknowledge and support the need
for culturally competent and safe practices and equip SLPs with additional time,
funding, and resources in order to provide equitable services for multilingual
children.” (International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech, 2012,
p. 2)
Sharynne McLeod and Sarah Verdon (co-chairs) of the International Expert Panel
with the final version of the position paper
Multilingual and multicultural considerations in speech-language pathology

Here is the table of contents (see
The effect of dialect on the phonological analysis of
Chinese-influenced Malaysian English speaking children
Hooi San Phoon, Anna Christina Abdullah and
Margaret Maclagan
bilingual Chinese-English young children in Malaysia using language sample
Carmen C.-W. Ooi and Anita M.-Y. Wong
assessment of Chinese-English bilingual children: Accent versus developmental
Jamie Hack, Stefka H. Marinova-Todd and B. May
principles of speech motor control that are not language specific
Rahul Chakraborty
dyslexia in bilingual adolescents
Christina Hedman
attitudes in Hong Kong and adjacent Mainland China
Man Ling Ip, Kenneth O. St. Louis, Florence L. Myers, and Steve An Xue
vowels produced by Cantonese-English bilingual speakers
Yang Chen, Manwa L. Ng, and Tie-Shan Li
training for speech-language pathologists: Implications for clinical practice
Rahayu Mustaffa Kamal, Elizabeth Ward, and
Petrea Cornwell
Peer reviewers for International Journal of Speech-Language
Pathology December 2011–September 2012
speech-language pathology
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