November 10, 2017

New ARC Discovery grant: Vietnamese-Australian children's speech and language competence

Today Sarah Verdon and I learned that we received an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant to undertake a project titled: "Vietnamese-Australian children's speech and language competence"(DP180102848). We have been awarded $312,051 for 2018-2020.
The ARC announcement is here
The CSU media release is here
Here is the proposal summary:
This Project aims to support Vietnamese-Australian children and families to maintain their home language, enhance speech skills in Vietnamese and English and equip English-speaking professionals to support multilingual children’s speech. The Project expects to develop a database of Vietnamese-Australian children’s speech acquisition and a Vietnamese-English speech program. Expected outcomes include enhanced language maintenance and scalable prototypes for other languages. Since the Vietnamese community are one of Australia’s largest migrant groups this Project should provide cultural, economic and social benefits for Australia including increased multilingualism, social cohesion, and enhanced capacity to participate in a globalised economy.
We are very excited to begin working on this project.
The ARC made their grants announcement while I was presenting an invited 1-hour session with Ben Pham and Giang Pham titled "Vietnamese children's speech and language: Latest clinical research" at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention in Los Angeles.

This year the ARC received 3,152 Discovery proposals and funded 18.5%. Funding was, on average 65.8% of the requested budgets. Charles Sturt University had a 25% success rate.
Celebrating the announcement of the grant at the ASHA convention in LA with Ben, Thora, Helen, Suzanne