December 2, 2017

Writing together on different sides of the world

While Dr Sarah Masso has been in Canada on her Endeavour Scholarship, we have been able to continue writing together. We have submitted a book chapter and finalised some journal articles based on data from the Sound Start Study. Here is the information about our invited book chapter:
  • McLeod, S. & Masso, S. (2017, submitted). Speech sound disorders in children. In J. S. Horst & J. von Koss Torkildsen (Eds.). International handbook of language development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Writing with Sarah Masso via Skype on different sides of the world
Also, I have been writing with Dr Kate Crowe who is now working at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York State. Our most recent task has to finalise revisions of a manuscript. It is great to continue writing with these scholars and colleagues.
Kate wearing her gift from my PhD students' recent visit to ASHA in LA