June 25, 2019

Presentation at the World Health Organization symposium on ICF-CY

Today (25th June 2019) Associate Professor Jane McCormack and I had the honour of presenting a paper titled "The application of ICF-CY to inclusion of children and young people with primary communication disability" at the symposium titled "Applications of the ICF and Lessons Learned", held at The University of Sydney.

The following international speakers, influential in the development of the ICF-CY, also presented:
  • Rune Simeonsson: ICF/CY and children: Accomplishments and next steps. 
  • Mats Granlund: Conceptualizing change with the help of ICF-CY – is it possible? 
  • Eva Björck-Akesson: ICF-CY as a basis for collaborative problem solving in early childhood intervention - a focus on inclusion 
Here is the outline of the event:
This symposium is an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policy makers to hear about diverse applications of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and to discuss, network, and share information. The Symposium includes four sessions, the first three involving 3-4 short presentations followed by a forum discussion. Two brainstorm sessions will also enliven the day. The final session will draw together common themes of the day, and there will be a group discussion of lessons learned and future directions for ICF application – whether for research, education, statistical, clinical or service use. The symposium has been organised to take advantage of three international speakers attending the International Society on Early Intervention Conference. There will be a major (but not exclusive) focus on the ICF and children’s functioning and disability, with a range of speakers from universities, research groups and organisations in Australia and overseas.
A/Prof Jane McCormack, Helen Blake, Rune Simeonsson ("Father of the ICF-CY"),
Prof Sharynne McLeod, A/Prof Bronwyn Hemsley
Presenters and participants at the WHO-ICF-CY symposium
Professor Sharynne McLeod presenting at the symposium