November 22, 2019

Speech Pathology Australia celebrates its 70th anniversary

Speech Pathology Australia celebrated its 70th anniversary today. Currently there are over 9,000 members. I have been honoured to play a role in some of the events highlighted in their history poster (available here).
  • 2008 The Association’s journal was re-designed and the new title International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology was launched in recognition of its increasing international standing. 
  •  2014 The Australian Senate’s Community Affairs Reference Committee tabled its report into the Prevalence of different types of speech language and communication disorders and speech pathology services in Australia.
  •  2019 Having secured non-government organisation accreditation status with the United Nations, the Association co-hosted a side event at the United Nations Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability.
Speech Pathology Australia's social media image
Australians at ASHA in Orlando on SPA's 70th birthday: Sharynne, Tim Kittel (President of SPA), Helen Blake, Sheila Degotardi, Sarah Masso, Michelle Brown