April 17, 2023

DECRA Fellow in Bathurst researching connections between people who are homeless and libraries

Today I had the opportunity to show Dr Jane Garner, Charles Sturt University's ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Fellow, around Bathurst and CSU. We also had lunch with Dr Emmaline Lear from the Research Office.

Here is Jane's research blog: https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/librariesandhomelessness/about-the-project/research-blog/

Jane's DECRA is investigating policy and practice connections between people who are homeless, libraries, and organisations that support people who are homeless. She is undertaking six case studies, and Bathurst is her first one. I know that she will learn a lot from Bathurst Uniting Support Services (BUSS) and Bathurst City Library. Welcome Jane!

The Begonia House in Machattie Park

Dr Emmaline Lear, Dr Jane Garner and Sharynne at CSU Library