March 13, 2024

Nord University - Visit to CSU and conversations about the future

We have been honoured to have visitors from Nord University ( at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst over the past three weeks. Susanne Francisco has coordinated the visit of 

  • Professor Wenche Rønning and 
  • Associate Professor Kathrin Olsen 

from Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag [Faculty of Teacher Education and Arts and Culture]. We look forward to working on a Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities.

Dr Susanne Francisco, Prof Wenche Rønning, A/Prof Kathrin Olsen,
Dr Kate Smithers, Prof Sharynne McLeod and Dr Leanne Gibbs

Kathrin and Sharynne saw 9 kangaroos near CSU.