January 13, 2025

Initial conversations with Bathurst Regional Art Gallery re Children Draw Health

Today I met with with Lilium Burrow, Audience Engagement Officer, Bathurst Regional Art Gallery to discuss the Children's Voices Centre's new research with the World Health Organization to listen to children about health, health equity and health access. She was enthusiastic about collaborating - and identified these connections: 

A BRAG X Cementa initiative, The NSW Young Regional Creators Network is a network of established and emerging organisations and programs dedicated to delivering creative and social skills and confidence building outcomes for young people in Regional NSW through arts, new technology, and cultural expression.  This program will connect organisations across Central and Western NSW to share resources, ideas, methodologies and talent in a format designed to distribute access across the distances that isolate young people in the regional context. This program directly addresses the difficulty of delivering meaningful cultural outcomes for young people in regional NSW by connecting organisations in a network that will allow resource sharing and program integration that can be delivered to young people across the region. For example, Cementa can supply up to 20 artists a year to conduct workshops, BRAG can provide access to a celebrated regional gallery, artistic program, and professional development, while Arts Out West and Charles Sturt University can provide state of the art facilities for young people that participate in these programs and those of Headspace, Social Futures Clubhouse and BRAG Youth Advocates. This program also offers the potential for youth from across regional NSW to meet and collaborate on common projects and events.
  •  Arts Out West