Research output (full publication list is here)
- 6 book chapters (1 submitted, 3 accepted for publication, 2 published in 2013)
- 25 journal articles (peer review) (7 submitted, 7 accepted for publication, 11 published in 2013)
- 1 journal article (editorial review) (1 accepted for publication)
- 26 conference presentations (5 invited, 21 peer reviewed presentations in 2013)
- Charles Sturt University Vice Chancellor’s Research Supervision Excellence Award (individual)
- Speech Pathology Australia Elizabeth Usher Memorial Award
- McLeod, S., Baker, E. M., McCormack, J. M., Wren, Y. E. & Roulstone, S. E. (2013-2015). A sound start: Innovative technology to promote speech and pre-literacy skills in at-risk preschoolers (DP130102545). Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant.
- McLeod, S., Wren, Y., Baker, E., McCormack, J., Crowe, K., Masso, S., & Roulstone, S. (2013-2015). First-phase support for preschool children with speech and phonological awareness difficulties in NSW DEC preschools. New South Wales Department of Education and Communities Grant.
- McLeod, S. (2009-2013). Speaking my language: International speech acquisition in Australia. Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship (FT0990588)
- Jane McCormack came second in international Pursuit Award for best PhD in childhood disability
- Kate Crowe received an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Student Research Travel Award
- Kate Crowe (PhD) and Hannah Wilkin (Hons) are graduating in December
- Sarah Verdon received a RIPPLE travel scholarship
- Sarah Masso received an APA PhD scholarship
- Suzanne Hopf received a CSU PhD scholarship
- Multilingual Children’s Speech website ( (20,391 hits in 12 months)
- Speaking My Languages blog ( (15,511 hits over lifetime even though it is a private blog)