July 31, 2014

Web of Science impact factors released for 2013

Overnight the Web of Science 2013  impact factors have been released.
Here are the the impact factors for speech pathology journals listed under the Rehabilitation and Linguistics categories

Rank /64
Rank /166

The impact factor for IJSLP has continued to rise: 1.412 (2013), 1.176 (2012), 1.000 (2011), 1.120 (2010)

July 27, 2014

Every child is important

This week is Education Week in New South Wales. St Ives Uniting Church celebrated the beginning of education week with a special service. The theme was Every Child is Important and the invited speakers at the service were my husband, David and myself.
David is the Coordinator, Rural and Distance Education Programs at NSW Department of Education and Communities and spoke on providing quality educational opportunities to families in isolated communities. I used the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia and discussed how we can use the concepts of "Belonging, Being and Becoming" when we think about our interactions with children. I ended with the following questions:

  • Belonging: How can you ensure that children truly belong to your school, church, community?
  • Being: How can you ensure that children are accepted to be who they are and as they are now? (not as future adults, but the children of now)
  • Becoming: How can you support children to become active and informed citizens of the future?
David McLeod, Rev Dr Rob McFarlane, Sharynne McLeod

July 25, 2014

Documenting research impact

Today I worked with Greg Fry, a librarian at Charles Sturt University to create profiles to document my research impact. Greg plans to use my profiles as examples in an upcoming research presentation he is giving Impact story is one of the newest tools to document research impact. It takes data from ISI Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, blogs, Twitter, and other social media to document impact. Here are the profiles we edited or created today:

Communication as a Human Right for Children with Communication Disorders

On Wednesday 27th August, Dr Elise Baker will co-present the following public lecture:
Communication as a Human Right for Children with Communication Disorders
She will include work from our Sound Start Study and other research we have undertaken.
Here are the details:
Here is the abstract:
The ability to communicate is a basic human right. We rely on our communication skills to relate to one another, to learn and to work. It is what underpins our human existence. For an estimated 1.1 million Australians living with a communication disorder, communication is a daily source of frustration. For many people with a communication disorder, their frustration is further exacerbated when effective and efficient treatment is needlessly out of reach. With the right help at the right time these people’s lives can be transformed. What can we do to ensure that people with speech disorders have access to the help they need, so their basic human right to communicate is upheld? Two speech pathologists discuss this important issue.

July 22, 2014

Cultural and linguistic diverse deaf learners: Overcoming the hidden curriculum

Kate Crowe has been invited as a keynote speaker at the Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf Conference to be held Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children in September. The topic of the presentation is Cultural and linguistic diverse deaf learners: Overcoming the hidden curriculum. She is co-presenting with Professor Greg Leigh, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children/The University of Newcastle.
There are high levels of cultural and linguistic diversity among learners with hearing loss in Australia and around the world. Such diversity requires educational agendas, services, and professionals who are inclusive, socially just, and skilled in working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Such an approach requires all aspects of education to acknowledge and accommodate many different possible cultural identities of learners and to foster their acquisition and use of languages concordant with those identities. The cultural competency of professionals who work with learners with hearing loss must encompass (a) knowledge about, and sensitivity to, the issues that may arise in teaching and learning contexts; and (b) undertake rigorous and continuous examination of their own attitudes, values, and beliefs in regard to people from other cultures and linguistic backgrounds. If left unexamined or taken for granted, values and attitudes across any or all of these areas may create a hidden curriculum unplanned and unrecognized teaching and learning of beliefs, norms, and cultural mores that reflect the cultural or ideological perspective of teachers or other professionals. This presentation deals briefly with these issues and considers their importance in educational settings and strategies and resources for approaching the education of culturally and linguistically diverse learners with hearing loss.

July 21, 2014

How old is a child in Vietnam?

I have been learning a lot about Vietnam from Ben Pham, my new PhD student. It was her son's birthday on Sunday, and we have been discussing how to think about the age of children in Vietnam.
When Vietnamese parents say "my child is 4-years-old" they are using the Lunar calendar, where they begin counting on the date of conception (i.e., 9 months before the child is born).
When Vietnamese parents say "my child is 39-months-old" they are using the Western calendar, where they begin counting on the date of birth.
  • 39-months-old = 4-years-old in Vietnam
  • 48-months-old = 4-years-old in Australia
When working with Vietnamese children, it is important for Western people  to ask the age of the child in months!

Services for people with communication disability in Fiji

Suzanne Hopf's first PhD journal article has been published. 
Here is the reference:
Hopf, S. (2014). Services for people with communication disability in Fiji: Clinical insights. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 16(2), 81-86.
Here is the abstract:
In Fiji, the government has recognised the importance of services for people with communication disability (PWCD); however, the need for services still exceeds supply, and it is unclear who is providing services to this population. It has been suggested  that agents of delivery of intervention can comprise seven groups: qualified speech-language pathologists (SLPs), mid-tier workers, already qualified professionals trained for an additional, new role, disability care workers, traditional healers and other professionals or family members guided by SLPs (Wylie et al, 2013). In this paper, the role of each of these groups in the provision of services to PWCD in Fiji was reviewed. Results revealed that qualified SLP services in Fiji are restricted to those provided by international volunteer programs. Numerous other agents of delivery of intervention are available; however, their skill base and intervention methods remain largely unknown. There is a need to identify the skills and practices of non-SLP agents and to consider the potential for future direct SLP input, to ensure timely and adequate services are available to people with communication disability in Fiji.