My PhD student Ben Pham and our families had fun experiencing the Christmas tradition of Santa photos |
December 22, 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
December 21, 2017
Special issue of IJSLP regarding communication rights
We have almost finalised the content for our special issue of the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Universal of Declaration of Human Rights. There will be over 30 manuscripts in the special issue with the foreword written by the Australian Human Rights Commissioner and the Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner. Here is a summary:
The special issue of International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (2018, volume 20, issue 1) celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and aims to expand the discussion of communication as a human right as it relates not only to Article 19, but also to subsequent national and international conventions, declarations, legislations, policies, and practices. The special issue addresses communication as a human right from four perspectives: (1) communication rights of all people, (2) communication rights of people with communication disabilities, (3) communication rights of children, and (4) communication rights relating to language. Many papers address more than one perspective; for example, the right to Arabic literacy education for children who are Syrian refugees in the US. In order to examine a broad range of interpretations of communication as a human right, this special issue draws on divergent perspectives from across the globe (including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Fiji, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Shetland, South Africa, Sweden, Syria, UK, and USA). First hand accounts of people whose right to communicate is compromised/upheld are included and other papers are written by people with expertise and advocacy roles in speech-language pathology, audiology, education, psychology, communications, literature, and law. This special issue has embraced the notion of imparting “information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers” by not only including research articles and reviews, but by including short commentaries, invited papers, drawing and poetry.It has been a privilege to be the guest editor for this important special issue.
guest editor,
Waiting for Speech Pathology website
Yesterday I traveled to Orange to join Emily Davis and Katrina Rohr from Bathurst Community Health, Nicole McGill, and Kate to work on the prototype for our Waiting for Speech Pathology website. We are developing the site in conjunction with NSW Health as part of our NSW Health Translational Research Grant. We will begin using it in our randomised controlled trial in February.
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Nicole McGill (on screen), Emily Davis, Kate, Sharynne, Katrina Rohr |
December 20, 2017
Charles Sturt University graduations
During December, Charles Sturt University held 22 graduation ceremonies over 8 days in 9 locations graduating over 4,000 students with over 12,000 guests attending. CSU's 2017 graduation video was from the ceremony where my PhD student Suzanne Hopf graduated - and Suzanne was the PhD graduate featured in the video!
CSU also profiled Suzanne's work in a media release:
Congratulations Suzanne.
CSU also profiled Suzanne's work in a media release:
Congratulations Suzanne.
December 19, 2017
Seeking a PhD student to join our VietSpeech project in 2018
Dr Sarah Verdon and I are looking for a PhD student to join our VietSpeech project in 2018. The project is funded by the Australian Research Council and the scholarship is sponsored by Charles Sturt University.
The link to the advertisement is here
The link to the CSU media release about our project is here
Links from this blog about our previous work about Vietnamese children's speech are here
We look forward to hearing from interested people and having someone wonderful to join our team.
The link to the advertisement is here
The link to the CSU media release about our project is here
Links from this blog about our previous work about Vietnamese children's speech are here
We look forward to hearing from interested people and having someone wonderful to join our team.
Trinh Foundation,
Vietnamese-Australian grant,
December 18, 2017
A message from East Tennessee State University
This week we received the following email from our colleague Dr. Lynn Williams at East Tennessee State University and permission to post this photo to my blog. It is wonderful to see that our book is being used and enjoyed.
Dear Sharynne and Elise, I’m sending you a photo of my students on the last night of my Clinical Phonology class reviewing your book just before the final! Your book is an excellent compendium of the most current information on the clinical assessment and treatment of SSD in children! Thank you for all the work you put into creating a comprehensive, balanced, thoughtful, and clinically useful book for our profession!! Kind regards, Lynn
Children's Speech,
December 14, 2017
Congratulations Suzanne on your PhD graduation
Today Suzanne Hopf graduated with her PhD at Charles Sturt University. She traveled from Fiji with her family to attend. Charles Sturt University selected Suzanne to profile in a media release which is here. Suzanne's graduation was featured in a CSU video here.
Suzanne's PhD was titled Supporting Fijian Children’s Communication. It was presented as a series of publications: 8 journal articles and a book chapter.
The Communication Capacity Research model developed within her PhD has been published in a recent article:
Hopf, S. C. (2018). Communication Capacity Research in the Majority World: Supporting the human right to communication specialist services. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1400101
Here is her PhD abstract
Suzanne's PhD was titled Supporting Fijian Children’s Communication. It was presented as a series of publications: 8 journal articles and a book chapter.
Suzanne with her supervisors: Professor Sharynne McLeod, Dr Sarah McDonagh, and Dr Audrey Wang |
PhD graduates from the Faculty of Arts and Education |
Hopf, S. C. (2018). Communication Capacity Research in the Majority World: Supporting the human right to communication specialist services. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1400101
Here is her PhD abstract
Purpose. Fiji is a multicultural and linguistically multi-competent country. Historical ethnic divisions have socialised students into language friendships based around common languages. Recent changes to educational policy, specifically the mandating of students learning all three of the main languages in Fiji (Standard Fijian, Fiji Hindi, and English), have been introduced in the hope that cross-linguistic understanding will encourage a greater sense of national identity amongst all Fijians regardless of ethnicity. This study explores one multilingual school environment considering students’ language use, attitudes, and friendships in light of these policy changes.Congratulations Suzanne!
Methodology. A convergent mixed-methods research design using surveying, artefact collection, student's drawing, and observation was employed.
Findings. The majority of students reported some proficiency in the language of their inter-ethnic peers; however, students’ inter-ethnic friendships predominantly relied on English language use. It was observed that most friendships amongst these Fijian primary school students were still established according to main language use at home; however, inter-ethnic peer interaction in English was observed to be friendly and respectful. These language use patterns and friendship behaviours were potentially reinforced by individual and societal multilingualism, in addition to the school environment.
Originality. The paper presents the first research linking Fijian primary school students’ language choices and friendship development.
School of Teacher Education staff at graduation |
December 13, 2017
Impact of our work in South Africa
Our work has been used to inform the development of human rights-driven guidelines for South African speech-language pathologists. The following manuscript has just been published online, and uses
Pascoe, M., Klop, D., Mdlalo T., & Ndhambi, M. (2017). Beyond lip service: Towards human rights-driven guidelines for South African speech-language pathologists. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Advance online publication.
- the position paper written by the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children's Speech as well as
- the position paper we wrote for Speech Pathology Australia about working in a culturally and linguistically diverse society
Pascoe, M., Klop, D., Mdlalo T., & Ndhambi, M. (2017). Beyond lip service: Towards human rights-driven guidelines for South African speech-language pathologists. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Advance online publication.
December 12, 2017
A long and productive research partnership
Today Linda Harrison and I worked together on revisions of an important paper that we hope will be published next year some time. Linda and I have had a very long partnership beginning when I was allocated an office across the hallway from Linda. Together we received one research excellence award, 5 grants (including an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant), co-supervised 3 research students, and written 27 publications (book chapters and articles) as well as presented many conference papers. We have undertaken research and writing about children's speech and language that has been highly cited.
Here are some of the papers about children's speech and language we have published together:
Here are some of the papers about children's speech and language we have published together:
- Harrison, L. J., & McLeod, S. (2010). Risk and protective factors associated with speech and language impairment in a nationally representative sample of 4- to 5-year-old children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53(2), 508-529. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2009/08-0086)
- Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., Berthelsen, D., & Walker, S. (2009). Literacy, numeracy, and learning in school-aged children identified as having speech and language impairment in early childhood. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 11(5), 392-403. doi:doi:10.1080/17549500903093749
- Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., McAllister, L., & McCormack, J. (2017). Speech sound disorders in preschool children: Correspondence between clinical diagnosis and teacher and parent report. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 22(1), 35-48. doi:10.1080/19404158.2017.1289964
- Holliday, E. L., Harrison, L. J., & McLeod, S. (2009). Listening to children with communication impairment talking through their drawings. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 7(3), 244-263. doi:10.1177/1476718x09336969
- McAllister, L., McCormack, J., McLeod, S., & Harrison, L. J. (2011). Expectations and experiences of accessing and participating in services for childhood speech impairment. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13(3), 251-267. doi:10.3109/17549507.2011.535565
- McCormack, J., Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., & McAllister, L. (2011). A nationally representative study of the association between communication impairment at 4-5 years and children's life activities at 7-9 years. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 54(5), 1328-1348. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0155)
- McCormack, J., McAllister, L., McLeod, S., & Harrison, L. J. (2012). Knowing, having, doing: The battles of childhood speech impairment. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 28(2), 141-157. doi:10.1177/0265659011417313
- McCormack, J., McLeod, S., Harrison, L. J., & McAllister, L. (2010). The impact of speech impairment in early childhood: Investigating parents' and speech-language pathologists' perspectives using the ICF-CY. Journal of Communication Disorders, 43(5), 378-396.
- McCormack, J., McLeod, S., McAllister, L., & Harrison, L. J. (2009). A systematic review of the association between childhood speech impairment and participation across the lifespan. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 11(2), 155-170.
- McCormack, J., McLeod, S., McAllister, L., & Harrison, L. J. (2010). My speech problem, your listening problem, and my frustration: The experience of living with childhood speech impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 41(4), 379-392. doi:10.1044/0161-1461(2009/08-0129)
- McLeod, S., & Harrison, L. J. (2009). Epidemiology of speech and language impairment in a nationally representative sample of 4- to 5-year-old children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52(5), 1213-1229. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2009/08-0085)
- McLeod, S., Harrison, L. J., & McCormack, J. (2012). Intelligibility in Context Scale: Validity and reliability of a subjective rating measure. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55, 648-656. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0130)
- McLeod, S., Harrison, L. J., McAllister, L., & McCormack, J. (2013). Speech sound disorders in a community study of preschool children. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22(3), 503-522. doi:10.1044/1058-0360(2012/11-0123)
- McLeod, S., Harrison, L. J., Whiteford, C., & Walker, S. (2016). Multilingualism and speech-language competence in early childhood: Impact on academic and social-emotional outcomes at school. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 34, 53-66. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.08.005
- McLeod, S., McAllister, L., McCormack, J., & Harrison, L. J. (2014). Applying the World Report on Disability to children’s communication. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(18), 1518-1528. doi:10.3109/09638288.2013.833305
- McLeod, S., McCormack, J., McAllister, L., Harrison, L. J., & Holliday, E. L. (2011). Listening to 4- to 5-year-old children with speech impairment using drawings, interviews and questionnaires. In S. Roulstone & S. McLeod (Eds.), Listening to children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. (pp. 179-186). London: J&R Press.
- Phạm, B., McLeod, S., & Harrison, L. J. (2017). Validation and norming of the Intelligibility in Context Scale in Northern Viet Nam. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 31(7-9), 665-681. doi:10.1080/02699206.2017.1306110
- Wang, C., Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., Walker, S., & Spilt, J. L. (2017). Can teacher–child relationships support human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, education and participation? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1408855
Sound Effects Study
December 10, 2017
Editorial board member
I have been invited to be editorial board member for Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools and look forward to this opportunity. This now means that I am an editorial board member of the following journals:
- Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics (since 2006)
- Child Language Teaching and Therapy (since 2007)
- Speech, Language and Hearing (since 2015)
- Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (from 2018)
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics,
editorial board,
December 9, 2017
Human Rights Awards
Yesterday I attended the Australian Human Rights Awards celebration in Sydney. There were over 500 people in attendance, with inspiring speeches Rosalind Croucher (President, Australian Human Rights Commission), Alistair McEwan (Disability Discrimination Commissioner), Ed Santow (Human Rights Commissioner), Megan Mitchell (Children's Commissioner), George Brandis (Attorney-General for Australia) and the award winners. The 69th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be celebrated tomorrow (10th December).
human rights,
December 6, 2017
Developing the waiting for speech pathology website
Over the past few months, my PhD student Nicole McGill has been working hard with the team from Bathurst and Dubbo Community Health to develop content for our waiting for speech pathology website. She has had over 100 responses to the online survey and will be conducting focus groups soon. Our work is supported by a NSW Health Translational Research Grant scheme and is part of Nicole's PhD.
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The front page of the online survey |
December 2, 2017
Writing together on different sides of the world
While Dr Sarah Masso has been in Canada on her Endeavour Scholarship, we have been able to continue writing together. We have submitted a book chapter and finalised some journal articles based on data from the Sound Start Study. Here is the information about our invited book chapter:
Also, I have been writing with Dr Kate Crowe who is now working at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York State. Our most recent task has to finalise revisions of a manuscript. It is great to continue writing with these scholars and colleagues.
- McLeod, S. & Masso, S. (2017, submitted). Speech sound disorders in children. In J. S. Horst & J. von Koss Torkildsen (Eds.). International handbook of language development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Writing with Sarah Masso via Skype on different sides of the world |
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Kate wearing her gift from my PhD students' recent visit to ASHA in LA |
November 30, 2017
Higher Degree by Research Symposium
This week three of my PhD students (Helen Blake, Ben Pham and Nicole McGill) went to Wagga Wagga to participate in the Charles Sturt University Higher Degree by Research Symposium. They have come back with stories of collegiality, learning, and confirmation of what they already know and do.
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Lisa McLean (Research Officer, Faculty of Arts and Education), Helen Blake, Ben Pham |
November 28, 2017
2017 achievements
Today I had my annual performance management review with my head of school. It is a time to consider productivity for the year. Here is a list of what I reported for 2017 thanks to the amazing team of people (students, postdocs, and colleagues) I work with:
- Awarded: 4 grants ($650,567 in funding)
- Published/in press: 1 book, 7 encyclopaedia entries, 6 book chapters, 20 journal articles, 2 commissioned reports
- Presented/co-authored: 3 invited conference presentations, 21 peer reviewed conference presentations (published abstracts) in Australia, Japan, Scotland UK, US, Greece, Germany, and Viet Nam
- Submitted (in addition to above): 2 grants, 1 book chapter, 10 journal articles
November 23, 2017
Charles Sturt University's Academic Senate
I am an elected member of Charles Sturt University's Academic Senate, representing the Professors' Forum. We meet face-to-face five times each year. Yesterday was our last meeting for the year in Wagga Wagga where we said farewell to Professor Jo-Anne Reid as the Presiding Officer of Academic Senate.
Members of Academic Senate |
Academic Senate,
November 21, 2017
Can teacher-child relationships support human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, education, and participation?
The following manuscript has been accepted for publication
Wang, C., Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., Walker, S., & Spilt, J. L. (2017, in press November). Can teacher-child relationships support human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, education, and participation? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Here is the abstract:
Wang, C., Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., Walker, S., & Spilt, J. L. (2017, in press November). Can teacher-child relationships support human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, education, and participation? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Here is the abstract:
Purpose: This study explored how teacher-child relationships change over the early school years, in terms of closeness and conflict, whether these trajectories differ in type and frequency for children with typical development and children with speech and language concern (SLC), and whether the trajectories are associated with school outcomes at 12-13 years.
Method: Participants were children, parents, and teachers in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Parents identified 2,890 children with typical communication and 1,442 children with SLC. Teacher-rated teacher-child closeness and conflict were collected biennially over six years. Academic and social-emotional outcomes were reported by teachers and children. Growth mixture modelling was conducted to generate teacher-child relationship trajectories and Wald’s chi-square analyses were used to test the association between trajectories and school outcomes at 12-13 years, after controlling for a range of covariates including child’s sex, language background, indigenous status, age, and socio-economic position.
Result: In both groups, the majority of children had teacher-child relationship trajectories with sustained high closeness and low conflict that predicted positive outcomes at age 12-13, but the SLC group was more at risk of less positive trajectories and poorer school outcomes.
Conclusion: Close, less conflicted relationships with teachers may provide a supportive context for later language, literacy, and social-emotional development. This study highlights the role of teachers in supporting children in their development of communication and academic skills that will optimise their capacity for freedom of opinions and expression, education, and participation, as enshrined in Articles 19, 26 and 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Xuan's visit re Southern Vietnamese children's speech acquisition
This week Xuan Le (Lê Thị Thanh Xuân) is visiting Bathurst to work with Ben Pham and myself to analyse and write up speech acquisition data collected with children from Southern Vietnam. Xuan is a co-author of the Vietnamese Speech Assessment (VSA, Pham, Le, & McLeod, 2016) and we have been collecting data from the north and south of Viet Nam to finalise our examiner's manual for the VSA and write a supporting journal article. The data from the south were collected with support from a Trinh Foundation Australia grant. This is the fourth time Xuan has visited me in Bathurst.
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Xuan Le, Ninh Dang Vu, Ben Pham and Sharynne working together in Bathurst |
Celebrating Xuan's birthday in Bathurst |
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At the end of the week we submitted an article to be considered by an international journal |
Trinh Foundation,
Vietnamese Speech Assessment,
November 15, 2017
Discussing research with Vietnamese children with the Bilingual Development in Context Lab at SDSU
While visiting San Diego State University, Dr. Giang Pham welcomed Ben Pham and I to her Bilingual Development in Context Lab. We discussed our research with Vietnamese children (including our new ARC Discovery grant) with her research assistants and students, and learned about their research about Vietnamese children's language skills undertaken in San Diego and Ha Noi, Viet Nam. We look forward to this productive exchange continuing into the future.
Members of Dr Giang Pham and Dr Sonja Pruitt-Lord's labs |
Lunch with members of Dr Giang Pham's lab |
Presentations at San Diego State University
This week Dr. Giang Pham invited Ben Pham and I to visit San Diego State University. While visiting we met with faculty and students and presented some seminars.
Attendees at Monday's seminar |
- On Monday I presented a seminar titled "Multilingual Children's Speech: A World Tour" to students, staff and speech-language pathologists from within the community.
- On Tuesday, Ben, Giang and I presented our invited seminar from the ASHA convention titled "Vietnamese children’s speech and language: Latest clinical research" We presented to the staff and students in the research laboratories.
Ben and Sharynne at San Diego State University |
Invited presentations,
San Diego State University,
Visiting the Confucius Institute at SDSU
Today Ben Pham and I visited Professor Lilly Cheng at the newly opened building for the Confucius Institute at San Diego State University (SDSU). We were honoured to participate in the tea ceremony and to have a tai chi display and concert. Lilly welcomed us into her new office, taught us Chinese calligraphy and showed us many very special Chinese artifacts.
We visited because Professor Cheng is the President of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (and I am Deputy Chair of the Child Speech Committee).
We visited because Professor Cheng is the President of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (and I am Deputy Chair of the Child Speech Committee).
Professor Lilly Cheng in her office |
Ben learning calligraphy |
Participating in the tea ceremony |
San Diego State University,
tea ceremony,
November 14, 2017
Meeting with the International Communication Project
Yesterday I was invited to present to the International Communication Project members about our work on the special issue of IJSLP to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and future plans. Members of the ICP are the presidents, CEOs and other office holders of:
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Speech Pathology Australia
- New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists' Association
- Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
- Speech-Language and Audiology Canada
- Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists
November 13, 2017
Working on the second edition of Interventions for Children with Speech Sound Disorders
While at the ASHA convention we finalised plans to work on the second edition of Interventions for Children with Speech Sound Disorders with Astrid Zuckermann, Melissa Behms and Stephanie Henderson from Paul H. Brookes Publishing. I look forward to working with my co-editors Dr Lynn Williams and Dr Rebecca McCauley, and all of our outstanding authors throughout the world.
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Sharynne, Rebecca McCauley, Lynn Williams, Astrid Zuckermann, Stephanie Henderson |
November 10, 2017
New ARC Discovery grant: Vietnamese-Australian children's speech and language competence
Today Sarah Verdon and I learned that we received an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant to undertake a project titled: "Vietnamese-Australian children's speech and language competence"(DP180102848). We have been awarded $312,051 for 2018-2020.
The ARC announcement is here
The CSU media release is here
Here is the proposal summary:
The ARC made their grants announcement while I was presenting an invited 1-hour session with Ben Pham and Giang Pham titled "Vietnamese children's speech and language: Latest clinical research" at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention in Los Angeles.
This year the ARC received 3,152 Discovery proposals and funded 18.5%. Funding was, on average 65.8% of the requested budgets. Charles Sturt University had a 25% success rate.
The ARC announcement is here
The CSU media release is here
Here is the proposal summary:
This Project aims to support Vietnamese-Australian children and families to maintain their home language, enhance speech skills in Vietnamese and English and equip English-speaking professionals to support multilingual children’s speech. The Project expects to develop a database of Vietnamese-Australian children’s speech acquisition and a Vietnamese-English speech program. Expected outcomes include enhanced language maintenance and scalable prototypes for other languages. Since the Vietnamese community are one of Australia’s largest migrant groups this Project should provide cultural, economic and social benefits for Australia including increased multilingualism, social cohesion, and enhanced capacity to participate in a globalised economy.We are very excited to begin working on this project.
The ARC made their grants announcement while I was presenting an invited 1-hour session with Ben Pham and Giang Pham titled "Vietnamese children's speech and language: Latest clinical research" at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention in Los Angeles.
This year the ARC received 3,152 Discovery proposals and funded 18.5%. Funding was, on average 65.8% of the requested budgets. Charles Sturt University had a 25% success rate.
Celebrating the announcement of the grant at the ASHA convention in LA with Ben, Thora, Helen, Suzanne |
The size of the ASHA convention
At the ASHA convention in LA there are 13,000+ delegates and 2,500+ sessions comprised of 38 short courses, 637 oral seminars, 261 flash sessions, and 1798 posters! There were over 500 international delegates (more than ever before) attending from 55 countries.
A small section of the exhibit hall |
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It's not Hollywood - it's ASHAwood |
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Thank you to the ASHA staff who organise the convention each year, including my friend Gina Olwoch |
November 9, 2017
Networking at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention
While at the ASHA convention, my students and I have enjoyed talking with many researchers we quote in our work.
Thora Masdottir (Iceland), Ben Pham, Suzanne Hopf, Lynn Williams (ASHA Vice President), Helen Blake, Anna Cronin, Karla Washington (University of Cincinnati) |
Suzanne Hopf met her PhD examiners: Carol Westby and Brenda Louw |
Anna Cronin, Ben Pham, Lilly Cheng, Dolores Battle, Helen Blake |
Kathy Chapman, Mary Hardin-Jones, Anna Cronin, Nancy Scherer |
Sharynne, Larry Shriberg (UWisconsin-Madison), Helen Blake |
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Pam Enderby (incoming President of IALP) and Sharynne |
Presentations at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in LA
Ben Pham, Helen Blake, Suzanne Hopf, Anna Cronin and Sharynne at ASHA |
- Blake, H. L., Bennetts Kneebone, L. & McLeod, S. - Humanitarian migrants’ oral English proficiency and self sufficiency. Poster.
- Blake, H. L., & McLeod, S. (2017, November). Intelligibility enhancement for multilingual university staff and students: A retrospective record review. Oral paper.
- Cronin, A., McLeod, S., & Verdon, S. - Toddlers with cleft palate: Speech practices across four continents. Poster.
- Hopf, S. C., McLeod, S., & McDonagh, S. H. - Validation of the Intelligibility in Context Scale for multilingual Fijian school children. Poster.
- Hopf, S. C., McLeod, S., McDonagh, S. H., & Wang, C. - Culturally-sensitive practices supporting children's communication in Majority World countries: A Fijian perspective. Poster.
- Masso, S., McLeod, S., Baker, E., & McCormack, J. - Polysyllables and emergent literacy development in preschool children with speech sound disorders. Oral paper.
- McGill, N., - Animation for education: The Speech-Language Pathology Referrals project. Poster.
- Phạm, B., McLeod, S., & Harrison, L. J. - Assessing Vietnamese children’s intelligibility. Poster.
- Pham, G., Phạm, B., & McLeod, S. - Vietnamese children’s speech and language: Latest clinical research. Invited 1 hour seminar.
- Verdon, S., McLeod, S., & Wong, S. - The Principles of Culturally Competent Practice for speech-language pathologists. Oral paper.
- Washington, K. N., & McLeod, S. - Global tools and resources for pediatric SLPs: Supporting children around the world. Invited 1 hour seminar.
Helen Blake's presentation |
Ben Pham's presentation |
Ben's poster: Sharynne, Thanh and Ben Pham |
Anna's poster: Thora Masdottir (Iceland), Anna Cronin, Kathy Chapman (USA), Sharynne |
Suzanne's poster: Thora Masdottir, Suzanne Hopf (Fiji), Helen Blake, Anna Cronin, Tricia McCabe |
Nicole's poster: Travis Threats (USA), Sharynne, Bernice Mathisen (Australia), Seyhun Topbas (Turkey), an SLP (USA) |
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Ben Pham's poster received a Most Meritorious Poster Award |
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