May 31, 2018

Enriching and encouraging time with our team in Adelaide

My team of PhD students, postdocs and graduated students all live in different cities (i.e., they undertake their studies and research by distance), so we have enjoyed meeting together at the Speech Pathology Australia National Conference in Adelaide this week. Throughout the conference we have had many opportunities to support one another. Today, after the conference concluded, we met with the keynote speakers Professors Ron Gillam and Sandi Gillam from USA. During our meeting each PhD student outlined her research and there was a lot of enriching and encouraging discussion. Next week, we are back to seeing one another via videoconference.

Prof Sharynne McLeod, Dr Sarah Verdon, Dr Jane McCormack, Helen Blake, Van Tran, Ben Pham, Nicole McGill, Michelle Brown
Dr Michelle Brown, Dr Van Tran, Ben Pham, Dr Sarah Verdon, Helen Blake, Dr Jane McCormack, Nicole McGill
Ben Pham, Van Tran, Dr Jane McCormack, Nicole McGill, Dr Sarah Verdon, Dr Sarah Masso, Prof Ron Gillam, Prof Sandi Gillam, Helen Blake, Michelle Brown, Prof Sharynne McLeod
Sharynne, Nicole and Michelle at the conference dinner