April 3, 2019

Speech-Language-Multilingualism Team Publications for 2018

Here is a list of the Speech-Language-Multilingualism Team publications for 2018 that are registered with Charles Sturt University. What a productive team!

Book chapter
Crowe, K. (2018). DHH multilingual learners: Language acquisition in a multilingual world. In H. Knoors & M. Marschark (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in deaf education (pp. 59-79). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Book chapter
Wren, Y., McCormack, J., Masso, S., McLeod, S., Baker, E., & Crowe, K. (2018). Digital tools to support children’s speech and language skill. In S. Danby, M. Fleer, C. Davidson, & M. Hatzigianni (Eds.), Digital childhoods: Technologies and children's everday lives (Vol. 22, pp. 235-251). Singapore: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-6484-5_15
Journal article
Baker, E., Masso, S., McLeod, S., & Wren, Y. (2018). Pacifiers, thumb sucking, breastfeeding, and bottle use: Oral sucking habits of children with and without phonological impairment. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 70(3-4), 165-173. doi:10.1159/000492469
Journal article
Baker, E., Williams, A. L., McLeod, S., & McCauley, R. (2018). Elements of phonological interventions for children with speech sound disorders: The development of a taxonomy. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27(3), 906-935. doi:10.1044/2018_AJSLP-17-0127
Journal article
Blake, H. L. & McLeod, S. (2018).  The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Considering individuals from a perspective of health and wellness. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (SIG17: Global issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders), 3(17), 69-77. doi:10.1044/persp3.SIG17.69
Journal article
Blake, H. L., & McLeod, S. (2019, published online 2018). Speech-language pathologists’ support for multilingual speakers’ English intelligibility and participation informed by the ICF. Journal of Communication Disorders, 77, 56-70. doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2018.12.003
Journal article
Blake, H. L., McLeod, S., Verdon, S., & Fuller, G. (2018, published online 2016). The relationship between spoken English proficiency and participation in higher education, employment and income from two Australian censuses. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(2), 202-215. doi:10.1080/17549507.2016.1229031
Journal article
Guiberson, M. & Crowe, K. (2018). Interventions for multilingual children with hearing loss: A scoping review. Topics in Language Disorders, 38(3), 225-41. doi: 10.1097/TLD.0000000000000155
Journal article
Hegarty, N., Titterington, J., McLeod, S., & Taggart, L. (2018). Intervention for children with phonological impairment: Knowledge, practices and intervention intensity in the UK. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 53(5), 995-1006. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12416
Journal article
Hopf, S. C., McLeod, S. & McDonagh, S. H. (2018, published online 2017). Linguistic multi-competence of Fiji school students and their conversational partners. International Journal of Multilingualism, 15(1), 72-91. doi:10.1080/14790718.2016.1241256
Journal article
Hopf, S. C., McLeod, S., McDonagh, S., Wang, C., & Rakanace, E. (2018, published online 2017). Communication disability in Fiji: Community self-help and help-seeking support. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(5), 554-568, doi:10.1080/17549507.2017.1337226
Journal article
Hopf, S., McDonagh, S., Wang, C., & McLeod, S. (2018). English language and literacy proficiency of students in an urban Fiji primary school. Language, Culture and Curriculum, Advance online publication doi:10.1080/07908318.2018.1541999
Journal article
Howland, C., Baker, E., Munro, N., & McLeod, S. (2019, published online 2018). Realisation of grammatical morphemes by children with phonological impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 33(1-2), 20-41. doi:10.1080/02699206.2018.1518487
Journal article
Marschark, M., Walton, D., Crowe, K., Borgna, G., & Kronenberger, W.G. (2018). Relations of social maturity, executive function, and self-efficacy among deaf university studentsDeafness and Education International, 20(2), 100-120. doi:10.1080/14643154.2018.1474330
Journal article
Masso, S., McLeod, S., & Baker, E. (2018). Tutorial: Assessment and analysis of polysyllables in young children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(1), 42-58. doi:10.1044/2017_LSHSS-16-0047
Journal article
McCormack, J., Baker, E., & Crowe, K. (2018). The human right to communicate and our need to listen: Learning from people with a history of childhood communication disorder. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(1), 142-151. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1397747
Journal article
McLeod, S. (2018). Communication rights: Fundamental human rights for all. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(1), 3-11. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1428687
Journal article
McLeod, S. & Masso, S. (2019, published online 2018). Screening children’s speech: The impact of imitated elicitation and word position. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 50, 71-82. doi:10.1044/2018_LSHSS-17-0141
Journal article
McLeod, S., & Crowe, K. (2018). Children's consonant acquisition in 27 languages: A cross-linguistic review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 1546-1571. doi:10.1044/2018_AJSLP-17-0100
Journal article
McLeod, S., Crowe, K., McCormack, J., White, P., Wren, Y., Baker, E., ... Roulstone, S. (2018). Preschool children’s communication, motor and social development: Parents’ and educators’ concerns. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(4), 468-482. doi:10.1080/17549507.2017.1309065
Journal article
McLeod, S., Harrison, L. J., & Wang, C. (2019, published online 2018). A longitudinal population study of literacy and numeracy outcomes for children identified with speech, language, and communication needs in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 507-517. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.07.004
Journal article
Van Doornik, A., Gerrits, E., McLeod, S., & Terband, H. (2018). Impact of communication partner familiarity and speech accuracy on parents’ ratings of their child for the Intelligibility in Context Scale: Dutch. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(3), 350-360. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1472808
Journal article
Wang, C., Harrison, L. J., McLeod, S., Walker, S., & Spilt, J. L. (2018). Can teacher–child relationships support human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, education and participation? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(1), 133-141. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1408855
Commissioned report
McLeod, S., Harrison, L., Wang, C., & Verdon, S. (2018). Indigenous Australian children’s speech and language: Academic outcomes and access to services. Melbourne, Australia: Speech Pathology Australia.
Commissioned report
Verdon, S., Mackenzie, N., McLeod, S., Davidson, C., Masso, S., Verdon, L., & Edwards-Groves, C. (2018). Assessment of children as effective communicators in early childhood education and care: Literature review. Melbourne, Australia: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
Crowe, K., Masso, S., & Hopf, S. (2018). Innovations actively shaping speech-language pathology evidence-based practice. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(3), 297-299. doi:10.1080/17549507.2018.1462851