May 26, 2021


This week Charles Sturt University is hosting DocFest,  a 3-day event to support PhD students and their supervisors.

DocFest21 will offer graduate researchers and their supervisors a range of inspiring and informative sessions and showcase our researchers and their experiences within the CSU community through a range of interactive workshops, panels and breakout sessions. 

Today I presented a session titled: Effective Researcher Workshops: Late Candidature and provided loads of resources to support students to finish their PhDs.

This year the DocFest keynote speakers are:

  • Hugh Kearns
  • Prof. Inger Mewburn 
  • Dr Kathryn Crowe
  • AProf. Vijay Mallan

We were really proud of Dr Kate Crowe from our Speech-Language-Multilingualism team:

Making your research journey a safe space to grow, learn, and thrive.
Dr Kathryn Crowe
- Keynote Presentation - 26th May. 4:45 - 5:45pm
Kate Crowe shares her personal struggles with anxiety and ‘imposter syndrome’ and how she has overcome them on her journey to become a highly successful researcher in both domestic and international spaces. These spaces are so often at the edges of where we feel comfortable, and where we have the most potential to grow in our research journey. For anyone who has self-doubt or uncertainty about whether you belong in academia, this generous and honest account will inspire and motivate.