February 25, 2023

Special issue - Communication, swallowing and the SDGs

I have just signed off on the final page proofs for our special issue on Communication, swallowing and the SDGs to be published by the Q1 journal - International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

This special issue of IJSLP demonstrates that successful communication is necessary for realisation of all 17 SDGs at both a global and an individual level and advances the international call for SDG 18: Communication for All. The 36 papers address all 17 goals, focussing on poverty, hunger, health, education, work, innovation, climate, cities, land, oceans, justice, and partnerships. Authors worked and undertook their research in Australia, Austria, Benin, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, China, Columbia, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Maldives, Mozambique, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, State of Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Serbia, South Africa, Uganda, UK, USA, Vietnam.