July 31, 2024

SUBMITTED - The Oxford Handbook of Speech Development in Languages of the World

Today I submitted The Oxford Handbook of Speech Development in Languages of the World. HOORAY!

Thanks to the 172 chapter authors - my  CSU support team including DVC-R Prof Mark Evans, Dr Helen Blake, Dr Carolyn Gregoric, Mark Filmer, Craig Poynter, and my family.

Here is an overview of the book.

The Oxford Handbook of Speech Development in Languages of the World provides a thorough and updated overview of children’s speech development in 49 languages and 26 dialects. The 80 chapters are written by 172 of the world’s leading scholars. Each chapter follows the same structure to enable comparisons between languages: 

  • Overview: location, maps, varieties, writing 
  • Components: consonants, clusters, vowels, tones, phonotactics, prosody, anatomy) 
  • Typical acquisition: consonants, clusters, vowels, tones, percentage correct, intelligibility, phonological patterns, inventory, mismatches, word structure, prosody, perception, phonological awareness 
  • Supporting children’s speech: children with speech sound disorders (SSD), assessments, interventions 
  • Resources: terminiology, books, journals, websites, professional associations, universities. 

The Handbook upholds communication as a fundamental human right and presents a transformative social-justice approach to understanding languages cultures and communication.

 Here is the Table of Contents and more details:


Now it is over to Oxford University Press who will take 12 months for production.

Dr Helen Blake, Prof Sharynne McLeod and Vicki Sunter
from OUP celebrating submission of the Handbook