August 4, 2024


Today Olebeng and I visited Dhuluny: The war that never ended - a powerful and thought-provoking exhibition at the Bathurst Art Gallery

"The exhibition is part of The Dhuluny Project – a series of events commemorating the 200-year anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law on 14 August 1824 in the Bathurst region and the ensuing frontier violence. Dhuluny means the direct or gospel truth, and the commemoration offers visitors the opportunity to share and understand the true history of our country and celebrate the resilience of the Wiradyuri Nation...This project has been developed and supported with the Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation."

Visitors to the exhibition were given the chance
to reflect on the exhibition and write on a gum leaf

"Returning stolen goods" - artwork addressing the stolen generation

Books containing the Wiradjuri language on display
(I also own a number of these)