August 6, 2024

ECV2024 Whole Team Meeting

Today our ECV2024 whole team met to continue preparing for our conference.

Here are the current statistics for the Early Childhood Voices Conference (ECV2024) to be held online 25-28 November 2024

  • 452 registrations from 45 countries
  • 76 abstracts for review from 23 countries
  • 46 videos for the Multilingual Children's Speech Development stream
  • 4 keynotes
  • 15 drawings


  • Prof. Tony Dreise (Australia), Pro Vice-Chancellor First Nations Engagement, Charles Sturt University. 
  • Prof Elizabeth Shuey (USA), a policy analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), where she works primarily on issues related to early childhood. 
  • Professor Jenny Gibson (UK), Faculty of Education, The University of Cambridge, UK 
  • Dr Tamara Cumming (Australia), Macquarie University and Charles Sturt University, Australia


Children Draw Playing invitation to children: