October 18, 2024

Chinese University of Hong Kong lecture

This morning Dr Kate Margetson and I were honoured to be invited by Prof Valerie Pereira to give a 3-hour lecture to Masters students at Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their are studying the subject SLPA5207 Speech Sound Disorders and their textbooks are Children's Speech (McLeod & Baker, 2017) and Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children (Williams, McLeod & McCauley, 2020).

What a pleasure to meet the future speech and language therapists of Hong Kong. Best wishes students! Thanks for letting us put your photo on my blog - and for having a multilingal superpower - speaking English, Cantonese, Mandarin/Putonghua (and some of you spoke even more languages!).

Academic staff at Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sharynne with Prof Thomas Law

Sharynne with Prof Valerie Pereira