November 24, 2024

ECV2024: Events and opportunities

ECV2024 starts tomorrow.
We are so pleased to welcome you - 1290 people from 55 countries.
How to join
To view presentations and the online children’s drawing gallery, from 9am Monday 25th November (AEDT*)

Click here:

CVENT version:

To join live sessions click the button below. You will need to modify your registration to include access to the live launch and the six yarning circles.

Register for live events:

To participate in ECV2024
View conference presentations by clicking on the following link

ECV2024 showcases 4 keynotes, 147 oral presentations and children's voices across three streams.
•    STREAM 1: Early childhood voices: International interdisciplinary research
•    STREAM 2: Multilingual children's speech development
•    STREAM 3: Children draw playing global online galleries

Watch the conference launch
Online (livestream), in person, or on demand

Livestream from 10.30am Monday 25th November (AEDT*). This will include a live keynote address by Professor Tony Dreise - Giving voice to ‘villages’, listening to ‘Country’: It’s time to unlock the power of ‘place’
AEDT* (Sydney time zone = 11 hours AHEAD of London = 18 hours AHEAD of Los Angeles – your time zone may be the day earlier than indicated)

View keynote presentations

  • Dr Elizabeth Shuey - Developing and retaining a workforce for high-quality early childhood education and care
  • Professor Jenny L. Gibson - Neurodiversity-affirming approaches to play: Perspectives from research with autistic children and adults
  • Professor Tony Dreise - Giving voice to ‘villages’, listening to ‘Country’: It’s time to unlock the power of ‘place’ (available after launch event)
  • Dr Tamara Cumming - Embracing systems thinking to open conditions of possibility for the early childhood education workforce

Immerse yourself in children’s perspectives
Children from around the world have shared their perspectives on play through our Children Draw Playing Global Online  Galleries. What are they saying to you about play? View the gallery here

Ask a child to draw. Submissions to the drawing gallery are open to 30 November. Further details

Join a yarning circle
Register now on Cvent to join the live yarning circle discussions with other conference participants:

  • Communications and multilingual speech yarning circle - Monday 25th November, 7pm (AEDT*)
  • Family’s voices yarning circle - Tuesday 26th November, 9am (AEDT*)
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to children’s rights and sustainable development outcomes yarning circle - Tuesday 26th November, 5pm (AEDT*)
  • Professionals’ voices yarning circle - Wednesday 27th November, 9am (AEDT*)
  • Children’s voices - Listening to children in research yarning circle - Wednesday 27th November, 5pm (AEDT*)
  • Children's play, drawing and learning yarning circle - Thursday 28th November, 9am (AEDT*)

Note: These sessions will not be recorded.
AEDT* (Sydney time zone = 11 hours AHEAD of London = 18 hours AHEAD of Los Angeles – your time zone may be the day earlier than indicated)

Attend the workshop
Register via Cvent to join.

Understanding different communication methods – Wednesday 27th November, 12pm (AEDT*)
AEDT* (Sydney time zone = 11 hours AHEAD of London = 18 hours AHEAD of Los Angeles – your time zone may be the day earlier than indicated)

Ideas for how to select which presentations to view:

  • Listen to at least some of the keynote speakers, they are highly respected researchers and speakers – you will benefit from listening to any (and all) of them.
  • Choose a presentation according to a topic, keyword or SDG (Sustainable Development Goal).
  • Registered participants can join to live sessions (Yarning Discussions) between 25–28 November.
  • Think about an issue you want to learn more about. Is there a presentation that might inform your understanding of or approach to that issue?
  • Think about how presentations could help inform your practice, your approach to documentation, supporting children’s communication, or your service policies.
  • Look for names you recognise and you want to hear more about what they are working on now.
  • Look for research from a particular area or a particular country.
  • Think about what you could learn by watching a presentation from outside your immediate area – whether you come education, nursing, speech pathology, physiotherapy, psychology, libraries, or another area – you will find the others’ perspectives fascinating and useful to your practice.
  • Choose something you know nothing about but that seems interesting – you never know what you might learn and what new possibilities it opens!

Ideas to prompt group discussion and personal reflection on the presentations:

  • What new ideas did the presentation raise for you – about practice, theory or other approaches?
  • How might you alter your practice based on what you have learned?
  • What’s your one ‘gold nugget’ from this presentation? What difference could this make to you?
  • What surprised you?
  • What didn’t you understand? How could you find out more?
  • What did you learn about that could inform interprofessional work – especially between educators and other professionals?
  • What would you like to know more about? How could you follow up on that? Have a look at the websites of the presenters and any links that they provided.
  • What ideas or approaches could be applied to your work as a team?
  • What short-term goal/s could you develop arising from your learning from the presentation and conference as a whole?
  • Watch bilingual presentations in both languages. Did you gain other perspectives from watching both?

Share you experiences and learnings from ECV2024 with peers, colleagues, students and others in your network in person, online or connect on social media.

Certificates of participation will be available after the conference.

See you there.
It is going to be a great week.

ECV2024 Conference team