December 18, 2024

CSU masterclass - Seeing like a researcher

I have been invited to present a CSU masterclass in the series "Seeing like a researcher"

My topic that has been postponed until 2025 is: "Professional skills: Editing a book: From beginning to end"

I am honoured to be amongst my distinguished colleagues from CSU within this series:

Here is what is written on the website:

“Seeing like a researcher” is a masterclass series that draws on the experience, skills, wisdom and advice of Charles Sturt’s research leaders. The series includes sessions on both research innovation themes and professional skills for research.

Research innovation sessions encompass advanced pathbreaking tools of analysis and are designed to showcase new discoveries in research and update Charles Sturt researchers on new ways of doing research.

Professional skills sessions provide advice on research challenges such as developing a high quality ARC/NHMRC application, building long term partnerships nationally and internationally, delivering high impact research, working with First Nations communities etc.

The “Seeing like a researcher” masterclass series will be an invaluable mechanism for building research culture by inspiring experienced academics looking to re-energise their research programs, and next generation researchers hungry for learning and career advice.
I look forward to presenting this workshop in 2025.