December 1, 2024

Early Childhood Voices Conference 2024 (ECV2024) SUMMARY

The Early Childhood Voices Conference 2024 (ECV2024) was held from 25-28 November 2024. Organised by the Charles Sturt University Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Research Group (ECIR), this virtual and asynchronous event brought together 1,338 researchers and professionals from 54 countries:

Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong (SAR China), Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA, Zambia

LAUNCH: On Monday 25th November, the conference was officially launched by Professor Renée Leon, Vice-Chancellor and President, at a live-streamed event on the Bathurst campus. Professor Tony Dreise presented a keynote address entitled Giving voice to ‘villages’, listening to ‘Country’: It’s time to unlock the power of ‘place’. The audience enjoyed the music played by the Assumption Catholic Primary School Band. Students from the band also formed a press gallery to report on the launch ( Afterwards, guests on campus visited the Treehouse for popcorn and refreshments.

WEBSITE: The conference website can be viewed here 

KEYNOTES: Over four days, ECV2024 showcased the work of the four keynote presentations, 

STREAMS: 147 oral presentations, and 200+ children’s drawings across three streams:

SYNCHRONOUS PARTICIPATION: Participants also engaged in six yarning circle discussions and a workshop on understanding different communications methods presented by Shirley Wong, who has lived experience of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices.

Here is the summary Dr Carolyn Gregoric wrote for the School of Education newsletter:

Early Childhood Voices Conference 2024

The Early Childhood Voices Conference 2024 (ECV2024), held from November 25 to 28, has just concluded, leaving a lasting impact on all participants. Organised by the Charles Sturt University Early Childhood Interdisciplinary Research Group (ECIR), this virtual and asynchronous event brought together 1,338 researchers and professionals from 54 countries.

On Monday 25th November, the conference was officially launched by Professor Renée Leon, Vice-Chancellor and President, at a livestreamed event on the Bathurst campus. Professor Tony Dreise presented a keynote address entitled Giving voice to ‘villages’, listening to ‘Country’: It’s time to unlock the power of ‘place’. The audience enjoyed the music played by the Assumption Catholic Primary School Band. Students from the band also formed a press gallery to report on the launch. Afterwards, guests on campus visited the Treehouse for popcorn and refreshments.

Over four days, ECV2024 showcased the work of the four keynote presentations, 147 oral presentations, and 200+ children’s drawings across three streams - early childhood voices: international interdisciplinary research, multilingual children's speech development and children draw playing global online gallery. 

Participants also engaged in six yarning circle discussions and a workshop on understanding different communications methods presented by Shirley Wong, who has lived experience of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices.

The conference website can be viewed here