June 29, 2016
DocFest presentation:
Helen Blake and I were invited to present a session at the
2016 Charles Sturt University DocFest titled: Presenting your research and
making the most of the conference.
Here is the abstract:
Conferences can be more than just an opportunity to present your research. In this session, we will discuss how to get the most out of both the formal (posters and oral presentations) and informal (meetings and social events) aspects of a conference.
Here are a few reasons we have listed for attending
- To present your work (clarify your main messages)
- To get feedback on your work
- To make you think about things in a different way
- To give you lots of new ideas
- To hear researchers you are quoting in your own research actually present their work (+ have informal chats)
- To meet/network with people from across the country/world (and make lots of new friends)
- To find future examiners/employers/collaborators
- To visit other universities/research labs
- To hang out with your supervisor and fellow students
- To see new and exciting places
Our top 10 tips for conference attendance address the
following topics:
- Planning your 3-year conference schedule
- Selecting relevant conferences
- Writing abstracts
- Presenting posters
- Presenting oral papers
- Networking
- Freebies
- Funding sources
- Accommodation
- What to wear
Invited presentations,