August 21, 2020

SDG Action Group

I am a member of the new Charles Sturt University Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Action Group. Here are two recent examples of integrating SDGs throughout CSU research that I have been involved in: 

Additionally, here are some CSU news releases about my research and alignment with SDGs (esp. 3, 4, and 10): 

The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings assess universities against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2020, Charles Sturt participated in THE’s Impact Rankings for the first time. We ranked 61st overall out of 766 global participants. We also achieved two top 10 rankings in the Reduced Inequalities and Gender Equality categories. To support Charles Sturt’s 2021 submission, a THE Impact Rankings ‘Action Group’ is being established. Action Group members will champion opportunities to strengthen institutional support for the SDGs and gather evidence for the 2021 submission. The Action Group will support Charles Sturt’s objectives to further integrate the SDGs in operations, curriculum, research and engagement with the wider community.