February 10, 2022

SAHESS Research Symposium session "Getting Started in Research"

Today I was a guest panellist on the SAHESS Research Symposium (School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences) session titled Getting Started in Research. When I was invited, I was informed that "the purpose of this session is to support our staff to feel empowered to set up a strong research trajectory regardless of their starting point or current position in academia." The session had three parts:

  1. A/Prof Sarah Verdon -  how to get engaged in research in achievable ways. 
  2. Panel discussion - showcase of different researchers and how they have made a successful pathway in research. 
  3. Workshop - supporting staff to apply advice they heard from the panel to a research idea of their own that they would like to achieve in 2022 and build upon into the future. 

I learned a lot from the day and enjoyed discussing my research journey and learning from the other panellists Prof Rylee Dionigi (exercise and sport science), Michelle Kersten (occupational therapy) and Dr Kirsty Robson (podiatry). There were 53 people online, and it was recorded for others who were unable to attend.

A/Prof Sarah Verdon's Research Rainbow

I provided the following editorial as an example of my philosophy on research: 

McLeod, S. (2014). Undertaking and writing research that is important, targeted, and the best you can do. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16(2), 95–97. https://doi.org/10.3109/17549507.2014.896106