July 19, 2023

Day 2: Presentations and meetings at Manchester Metropolitan University

Today Prof Julie Marshall and I gave a MMU Communication Disability and Participation research webinar. We presented a hybrid seminar (online and face-to-face) titled "Using the Sustainable Development Goals to advocate for communication and swallowing disability services: Evidence from a special edition of the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology"

Here is the abstract

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs https://sdgs.un.org/goals) consist of 17 Goals aimed at planet and people and cover many aspects of life on earth. McLeod and Marshall guest edited a Special Issue of the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, focused on the SDGs and Communication/ Swallowing Disability. Thirty-six papers, by authors from 36 countries, between them addressed all of the SDGs, demonstrating the importance of communication and swallowing to their achievement (open access - https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/iasl20/25/1). In this presentation and workshop the presenters will summarise the SDGs and key learning from this special edition. Participants will be invited to consider the application of the SDGs to their personal and professional lives
Prof Sharynne McLeod and Prof Julie Marshall at MMU
Manchester Metropolitan University