July 27, 2023

Visiting Kate at The University of Iceland

Aðjúnkt Kathryn Crowe and A/Prof Þóra Másdóttir teach and research in the Talmeinafræði program at the University of Iceland

I enjoyed visiting to see exactly where they worked - and Icelandic research into speech development and their home language maintenance research with their multilingual children.

Working on a book chapter and a Memorandum of Understanding between our universities
McLeod and Crowe (2018) posters in Iceland
Icelandic speech development poster featuring Lubbi and based on Masdottir & McLeod (2021)
Kate with her CSU award
Kate's office
Kate and Thora are currently undertaking a large-scale randomised controlled trial in preschools across Iceland to support multilingual children's speech and language development.