May 7, 2024

ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholars

I just received the following email:

ScholarGPS celebrates Highly Ranked Scholars™ for their exceptional performance in various Fields, Disciplines, and Specialties. Your prolific publication record, the high impact of your work, and the outstanding quality of your scholarly contributions have placed you in the top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide. View your scholar profile and rankings 

Listed below is a summary of the areas (and your ranking in those areas) in which you have been awarded Highly Ranked Scholar status based on your accomplishments over the totality of your career (lifetime) and over the prior five years: 

  • Highly Ranked Scholar - Lifetime #2 Speech-language pathology 
  • Highly Ranked Scholar - Prior 5 Years #1 Speech-language pathology

I was thrilled to see that three of the five highly ranked scholars (lifetime) are Australian: Mark Onslow and Linda Worrall.