May 3, 2024

Visiting the University of Cambridge

This week I have enjoyed visiting the University of Cambridge. I have been hosted by Prof Jenny Gibson and Prof Karen Forbes from the Faculty of Education and Prof Napolean Katsos from the Faculty of Linguistics. A highlight of my visit was examining the PhD thesis of Mélanie Gréaux (supervised by Prof Gibson and Prof Katsos) and presenting a lecture on communication rights and social justice. I have learned about the 31 colleges of the University of Cambridge and have been able to dine at Cambridge's newest college, Homerton College with Prof Forbes and one of its oldest colleges, Trinity College with Prof Katsos. Prof Gibson is co-chair of PEDAL: Play in education learning and development. I look forward to ongoing conversations and collaborations.

Prof Karen Forbes at Homerton College

Prof Sharynne McLeod, Prof Napolean Katsos, Mélanie Gréaux, Prof Jenny Gibson, Prof Karen Forbes

Lunch at Trinity College with Mélanie Gréaux and Prof Napolean Katsos

A squirrel on campus!

The dining hall at Homerton College

Prof Jenny Gibson and Prof Sharynne McLeod at Faculty of Education

Sharynne at Trinity College

Trinity College

Trinity College

Trinity College library

Trinity College entrance to the chapel