September 12, 2024

Keynote presentations at the 23rd Congress of the Otolaryngology Foundation in Brazil

I was an invited keynote speaker at the 23rd Congress of the Otolaryngology Foundation FORL The Congress was held in São Paulo – SP Brazil, at the Frei Caneca Convention Center from 12-14 September (12 a 14 de setembro de 2024).

Here are the titles of my presentations: 

  • Communication rights and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 
  • Multilingual children’s speech development, assessment and interventions 
  • Children’s communication, educational, social and participation outcomes: Insights from longitudinal population studies (co-authored with Prof Yvonne Wren)

The conference website indicated "There will be more than 700 speakers from 9 specialties! In addition, we will have 10 outstanding international speakers". 

It was a wonderful interdisciplinary conference - enabling rich and informative presentations and conversations between audiologists, ear nose and throat surgeons, speech-language pathologists, and other disciplines from across Brazil and the world.

I also was impressed by my conversations with the students and staff from the University of Sao Paulo. I have quoted and used much of their research in the past - and look forward to learning more from them in the future.

Prof Sharynne McLeod (Australia), Prof Haydee Fiszbein Wertzner (Brazil), Prof Yvonne Wren (UK),
Presenting one of my three keynote addresses

Dr Marilia Pereira (Brazil), Prof Sharynne McLeod (Australia),
Prof Yvonne Wren (UK), Prof Haydee Fiszbein Wertzner (Brazil)

University of Sao Paulo's fonoaudiologia university staff and students at the FORL congress  
Discussing communication as a human right with Dr Yakubu Karagama,
keynote speaker and ENT surgeon and laryngologist from Kings College University London

Presenting with Marcia Keske-Soares, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Marcia co-authored a chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Speech Development in Languages of the World)

Here is the biographical information about me that was written in Portuguese by Dr Luciana Pagan Neves

Sharynne McLeod, Ph.D. é professor ilustre da Charles Sturt University, Austrália, especializada em fala infantil e aquisição da linguagem. Ela possui um legado de defesa dos direitos de comunicação e de liderança de equipes interdisciplinares para realizar pesquisas internacionais impactantes sobre a fala de crianças multilíngues. Ela é membro da Academia de Ciências Sociais da Austrália e atuou como editora-chefe do International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Ela recebeu honras da American Speech-Language-Hearing Association e é membro vitalício da Speech Pathology Australia. Ela é presidente da Associação Internacional de Fonética Clínica e Linguística. O jornal australiano frequentemente a lista como Líder de Campo de Pesquisa da Austrália e Melhor do Mundo em Fonoaudiologia com base na “qualidade, volume e impacto” de suas pesquisas.

Luciana Bauru

Gifts received by Yvonne and myself from the conference organisers!