February 7, 2013

World Report on Disability article third most downloaded on informahealthcare site

This morning I received an  email from Therese Franzén, Senior Managing Editor, informahealthcare in Sweden regarding the lead article in the recent special issue of International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology titled “The World Report on Disability and people with communication disability” (http://informahealthcare.com/toc/asl/15/1).

She wrote:
Changing practice: Implications of the World Report on Disability for responding to communication disability in under-served populations, published in the latest issue of IJSLP was the 3rd most downloaded article on the entire informahealthcare.com site during January. It was accessed 448 times during this month, which would have placed it on a 5th place on the list of most downloaded articles 2012 (based on full year statistics).” There are more than 160 journals published by informahealthcare.

Congratulations to the authors: Karen Wylie, Lindy McAllister, Bronwyn Davidson and Julie Marshall for their very important contribution to the discussion about both the World Report on Disability, and about underserved populations with communication disability.
For more information about the issue see this previous post.