May 16, 2014

Sound Start meetings in Sydney

Over the past 2 days we have had research meetings regarding the Sound Start Study in Sydney. We have traveled to be together to have a face-to-face meeting to discuss our progress, future plans, and to begin writing papers together. In attendance were Professor Sue Roulstone from (University of the West of England), A/Prof  Jane McCormack (CSU, Albury), Dr Elise Baker (University of Sydney), Prof Sharynne McLeod (CSU Bathurst), Dr Kate Crowe (CSU Homebush), Sarah Masso (CSU Homebush), Charlotte Howland (CSU Homebush/U of Syd) and Tamara Cumming (CSU Homebush). Dr Yvonne Wren (Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit) has been with us via Skype. It has been a productive two days.
Sound Start Team: Elise Baker, Kate Crowe, Charlotte Howland, Sharynne McLeod, Tamara Cumming, Sue Roulstone, Sarah Masso, Jane McCormack
Sound Start team meeting at CSU Homebush