August 23, 2013

A productive week in Bristol, UK

The Sound Start team have had an extremely productive week visiting the Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit (SLTRU). We started the week sharing information about our research projects with the staff and students at SLTRU. The rest of the week we analyzed data, planned future data protocols, and had meetings with Paul White (University of the West of England statistician), Duncan Witham (busythings software developer), and Liz Dymond (North Bristol Trust innovations manager). Professor Sue Roulstone provided tutorials on randomized controlled trials and the history of Phoneme Factory Sound Sorter. In the evenings we continued our discussions as we explored Bristol and went on the Gromit trail in support of the Bristol Children's Hospital.

Staff and students at the Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit
with their Australian visitors
L to R: Sharynne McLeod, Sarah Masso, Jane McCormack,
Kate Crowe, Paul White (UWE), Sue Roulstone (UWE)
Five of the seven members of the Sound Start Team in Bristol
(will we ever manage a photo with all of us?)
The SLTRU is on the grounds of Frenchay Hospital -
a famous name for many speech pathologists
This Gromit was decorated to celebrate the Bristol (Brizzle) accent